Senin, 27 Mei 2013

" Sejarah/artikel Toefl "

Test of English as a Foreign Language TOEFL is a test of English language proficiency (an American accent) who is required to register go to college (college) or university in the United States or other countries in the world. This exam is required for applicants whose native language or the speaker is not English. TOEFL exam is organized by the office of ETS (Educational Testing Service) in the United States to test all participants throughout the world.
TOEFL English language test types are generally required for college entrance requirements in almost all universities in the United States and Canada for both undergraduate program (S-1) or graduate (S-2 or S-3). TOEFL test results are also used as a material consideration of English language proficiency of prospective students who apply to universities in other countries, including universities in Europe and Australia. In general, the TOEFL test is more oriented to American Home, and a few different types of IELTS which is oriented to the British Home. Unlike the IELTS test, TOEFL test is in general not have the individual parts of the interview test.
Usually, this test takes about three hours and held in 4 sections, namely sections:
• listening comprehension,
• Grammar structure and written expression,
• reading comprehension, and parts
• writing.
The value ranging from exam results TOEFL: 310 (minimum) to 677 (maximum value) for the version of the PBT (paper-based test).
Since 1998, the TOEFL test is conducted online using a computer (Computer-based Testing / CBT), and since 2005 called the iBT (Internet-based Test). In places that have not been able to carry out CBT or iBT (because there are no computer facilities and internet networks), the TOEFL test is still conducted manually using paper and pencil (paper-based test or PBT). More information about CBT tests and paper-based TOEFL relating to registration, venue, cost, and test preparation materials can be viewed on the official website of the TOEFL, http://www.toefl.org (CBT version of the TOEFL exam results have value ranges from 0 to 300, while the value for the iBT is from 0 to 120) [1].
Lately organizers also held a kind of TOEFL test TWE (Test of Written Home), which results in value is separate from the TOEFL test scores. This test takes 30 minutes, and participants will be asked to write a short essay that describes the ability of participants to express and translate an idea or ideas, and supporting the idea with the examples found in daily life using the English language standard.
Another type of test is TSEP TOEFL (Test of Spoken Home Program) which is similar to the individual interviews on the IELTS test. They are usually used when we want to register as a teaching assistant or lab assistant (as one way to offset the cost of tuition) in universias in the U.S. (or other countries.) Form tests conducted orally and lasts for approximately 20 minutes. Implementation time and the deadline for registration together with other TOEFL tests, and costs approximately U.S. $ 100.

Test of English as a Foreign Language disingkat TOEFL adalah ujian kemampuan berbahasa Inggris (logat Amerika) yang diperlukan untuk mendaftar masuk ke kolese (college) atau universitas di Amerika Serikat atau negara-negara lain di dunia. Ujian ini sangat diperlukan bagi pendaftar atau pembicara yang bahasa ibunya bukan bahasa Inggris. Ujian TOEFL ini diselenggarakan oleh kantor ETS (Educational Testing Service) di Amerika Serikat untuk semua peserta tes di seluruh dunia.
Jenis tes bahasa Inggris TOEFL ini pada umumnya diperlukan untuk persyaratan masuk kuliah pada hampir semua universitas di Amerika Serikat dan Kanada baik untuk program undergraduate (S-1) maupun graduate (S-2 atau S-3). Hasil tes TOEFL ini juga dipakai sebagai bahan pertimbangan mengenai kemampuan bahasa Inggris dari calon mahasiswa yang mendaftar ke universitas di negara lain, termasuk universitas di Eropa dan Australia. Secara umum, tes TOEFL lebih berorientasi kepada American English, dan sedikit berbeda dengan jenis tes IELTS yang berorientasi kepada British English. Tidak seperti tes IELTS, tes TOEFL ini pada umumnya tidak mempunyai bagian individual interview test.
Biasanya tes ini memakan waktu sekitar tiga jam dan diselenggarakan dalam 4 bagian, yaitu bagian:
* listening comprehension,
* grammar structure and written expression,
* reading comprehension, dan bagian
* writing.
Nilai hasil ujian TOEFL berkisar antara: 310 (nilai minimum) sampai 677 (nilai maximum) untuk versi PBT (paper-based test). Sejak tahun 1998, tes TOEFL ini diadakan secara online dengan menggunakan komputer (Computer-based Testing/CBT), dan sejak tahun 2005 disebut iBT (Internet-based Test). Di tempat-tempat yang belum bisa melaksanakan CBT atau iBT (karena belum ada fasilitas komputer dan jaringan internetnya), ujian TOEFL ini masih tetap diadakan secara manual menggunakan kertas dan potlot (paper-based test atau PBT). Informasi lebih lengkap tentang tes CBT dan paper-based TOEFL berkaitan dengan pendaftaran, lokasi penyelenggaraan, biaya, dan bahan-bahan persiapan tes dapat dilihat di situs resmi TOEFL, http://www.toefl.org (hasil ujian TOEFL versi CBT mempunyai nilai berkisar antara 0 sampai 300, sementara nilai untuk iBT adalah dari 0 sampai 120).
Akhir-akhir ini penyelenggara tes TOEFL juga mengadakan jenis tes TWE (Test of Written English) yang hasil nilainya terpisah dari nilai tes TOEFL. Tes ini memakan waktu selama 30 menit, dan peserta akan diminta untuk menuliskan karangan singkat yang menggambarkan mengenai kemampuan peserta untuk mengekspresikan dan menuangkan suatu gagasan atau ide, serta mendukung gagasan itu dengan contoh-contoh yang terdapat dalam kehidupan sehari-hari dengan menggunakan bahasa Inggris yang standar. Jenis tes TOEFL yang lain adalah TSEP (Test of Spoken English Program) yang mirip dengan bagian individual interview pada tes IELTS. Tes ini biasanya dipakai kalau kita ingin mendaftar sebagai asisten dosen atau asisten laboratorium (sebagai salah satu cara untuk meringankan biaya kuliah) di universias di AS (atau negara lain). Bentuk tesnya diadakan secara lisan dan berlangsung selama kurang lebih 20 menit. Waktu penyelenggaraan dan batas akhir pendaftarannya sama dengan tes TOEFL yang lain, dan biayanya kira-kira sebesar US$100.
Tes Structure dalam TOEFL mencakup tes pengetahuan, keterampilan, dan penguasaan berbahasa Inggris dengan soal-soal yang memecahnya memerlukan pemahaman yang mendalam sehingga, misalnya, satu butir soal akan mencakup pengertian yang cukup luas.
My brother, Dick, … has just bought a Cadillac.
(A) works in Birmingham,
(B) who works in a private bank,
(C) is working in Melbourne,
(D) is now in London,
Butir soal di atas, misalnya, akan bisa dijawab dengan cepat dan tepat oleh orang yang memahami predikat kalimat, apositif, relative clause, dan tenses. Alokasi waktu untuk mengerjakan TOEFL terhitung amat singkat – umumnya satu tes structure terdiri atas limapuluh soal pilihan ganda yang harus diselesaikan dalam waktu limapuluh lima menit. Oleh karena itu, pemahaman orang yang akan mengikuti TOEFL tentang bahasa Inggris secara menyeluruh dan rinci sangat diperlukan dalam menempuh TOEFL agar ia merasa yakin bahwa jawaban dari butir-butir soal akan benar dalam waktu relatif singkat. Perbandingan antara jumlah butir soal dan waktu yang tersedia juga menuntut kiat tersendiri untuk mencapai skor yang tinggi.
TOEFL akan sama untuk semua orang, tanpa mengenal kategori usia, jenjang akademis, atau taraf kesulitan soal. Lembaga pengguna hasil TOEFL hanya akan menentukan atau mensyaratkan skor minimal. Agar mampu menyelesaikan soal-soal TOEFL secara baik, sudah seharusnyalah setiap peserta membekali diri dengan persiapan yang matang. Salah satu caranya adalah dengan banyak belajar dari buku-buku tentang TOEFL. Buku Sukses Menyelesaikan TOEFL (Structure) karya Surawan Martinus ini termasuk salah satu yang menyajikan banyak contoh soal TOEFL beserta langkah-langkah penyelesaiannya. Cakupan materi di dalamnya begitu menyeluruh dan lengkap, termasuk kiat-kiat yang diperlukan dalam menjalani tes. Karenanya, adalah langkah yang tepat menjadikan buku terbitan Indonesia Tera ini sebagai senjata agar sukses menyelesaikan TOEFL.

Menurut saya toefl sangat dibutuhkan di universitas yang telah maju di Indonesia,karena dalam hal ini mahasiswa diwajibkan sedikit banyak dapat menguasai bahasa asing,salah satunya bahasa inggris yang merupakan bahasa pemersatu negara negara di seluruh dunia.Mungkin dengan jalan toefl pihak universitas seberapa pintarkah calon mahasiswa mahasiswi yang akan belajar di Universitas tersebut.
Selain berdampak positif bagi pihak Universitas,hal ini juga berpengaruh besar pada alumnus universitas yang dulunya telah di tes toefl.Seiring berkembangnya jaman persaingan didunia kerja akan semakin ketat , maka dari itu dengan jalan ini lulusan dari PTN atau PTS akan mendapatkan nilai lebih.
Maka dengan ini semua PTN dan PTS di Indonesia dianjurkan melakukan tes Toefl dahulu ketika penerimaan mahasiswa baru, supaya pihak terkait dapat mensosialisasikan bahasa asing ke pengajar maupun mahasiswa dengan baik dan benar.
Sumber : http://bud1ww.blogspot.com/2011/03/sejarahartikel-toefl.html

Selasa, 14 Mei 2013

“ TOEFL – grammar structure “

Test of English as a Foreign Language disingkat TOEFL adalah ujian kemampuan berbahasa Inggris (logat Amerika) yang diperlukan untuk mendaftar masuk ke kolese (college) atau universitas di Amerika Serikat atau negara-negara lain di dunia. Ujian ini sangat diperlukan bagi pendaftar atau pembicara yang bahasa ibunya bukan bahasa Inggris. Ujian TOEFL ini diselenggarakan oleh kantor ETS (Educational Testing Service) di Amerika Serikat untuk semua peserta tes di seluruh dunia.

Jenis tes bahasa Inggris TOEFL ini pada umumnya diperlukan untuk persyaratan masuk kuliah pada hampir semua universitas di Amerika Serikat dan Kanada baik untuk program undergraduate (S-1) maupun graduate (S-2 atau S-3).
 Hasil tes TOEFL ini juga dipakai sebagai bahan pertimbangan mengenai kemampuan bahasa Inggris dari calon mahasiswa yang mendaftar ke universitas di negara lain, termasuk universitas di Eropa dan Australia. Secara umum, tes TOEFL lebih berorientasi kepada American English, dan sedikit berbeda dengan jenis tes IELTS yang berorientasi kepada British English. Tidak seperti tes IELTS, tes TOEFL ini pada umumnya tidak mempunyai bagian individual interview test.
Biasanya tes ini memakan waktu sekitar tiga jam dan diselenggarakan dalam 4 bagian, yaitu bagian:
• listening comprehension,
• grammar structure and written expression,
• reading comprehension, dan bagian
• writing.
Ada beberapa hal yang dapat Anda lakukan untuk mempersiapkan Struktur TOEFL.
1. Memahami Struktur Kalimat Dasar.
2. Memahami Konjungsi dan Kata Menghubungkan, Koordinator, dan Subordinators.
3. Memahami Subyek-Verb Agreement dan Voice Pasif.
4. Memahami Mengurangi Klausul Relatif dan Mengurangi Klausul adverbial.
5. Memahami Frase partisip dan Frase Pengantar.
6. Memahami Parellelism dan inversi.
7. Memahami Klausul Noun dan Pertanyaan Embedded.
8. Memahami Laporan sisipan, gerund, dan infinitif.
9. Memahami pasif statif dan preposisi.
  Contoh test structure grammer pada TOEFL:

From the marked areas A, B, C and D, identify the one that is wrong, correct it.
1.         (A) Their most favorite hotel is the Hotel Regent.
(B) It is near the beach and
(C) is a very cozy hotel. It is
(D) not too expensive, too.

2. I like
(A) these kind
 (B) of hotels too. I don’t
 (C) go for the big, noisy and
 (D) expensive sort.

3. The Amelia Hotel   
(A) is good as the Radan Hotel,
(B) in fact. Actually, I
(C) would rather go to the Amelia.
(D) It’s closer to the town.

4.         (A) He prefers the
 (B) Radan Hotel because
(C) he feels the service
 (D) is more better.

5. The Weather Bureau
 (A) is announced that the rain
(B) will continue for
(C) another 36 hours. People
(D) are advised to stay indoors.

6. Visibility
(A) on the roads
(B) are very poor. Thus, drivers are advised
(C) to be careful, especially when
 (D) driving at night.

7. She wa
 (A) kind enough
 (B) to give me
 (C) a lot of advices
 (D) about how to pass the driving test.

8.         (A) I told him, “
(B) I have not
 (C) been told
 (D) these news”

9.         (A) The man was hung as punishment
(B) for murdering
 (C) his five children
 (D) and his wife.

10.       (A) I made him
(B) to confess that
            (C) he copied your answer
(D) during the test.

Answers 1. A 2. A 3. A 4. D 5. A 6. B 7. C 8. D 9. A 10. B
  • Error identification – Extra practice exercises. Decide which part of the sentence is grammatically incorrect. Then look at the answers below.
I enjoyed study geography at school and now I’ve enrolled at the Economics Faculty.
I used to be keen of all scientific subjects but now I would prefer to study art.
I want meet your sister when she comes to see you – she sounds very nice.
My friends tell the English exam is quite difficult but I’m not worried.
The tickets, which are extremely good value, can be buy from large supermarkets.
The number of people which asked for the discount was low but grew during the summer period.
He wanted always to be a doctor and after doing medicine he now works in a hospital.
The informations they gave us was not very helpful so I consulted the website instead.
There isn’t many time, do you think we should get a taxi to the exhibition centre?
He graduated in languages in June and is now thinking of do a second degree in psychology.
The policeman showed us an identikit picture of the man who steal the car.
How long does it take to get the station on foot from your house
I was so angry that I took the watch broken to the jewellers to get my money back.
He rang me this morning for tell me that he had passed his driving test.
I won’t be able to go on holiday this year unless I will get a part-time job.
It was so nice day that they decided to have a picnic in the field.
I haven’t never seen anybody who rides a horse so well before.
My boyfriend always takes me to see horror films, but I don’t like very much.
We went to Guatemala last year so we were tired of the usual beach holiday.
I’ve gone to Marbella. I remember it well. A busy town with a nice modern promenade and picturesque ‘piazze’.
I enjoyed studying (‘enjoy’ + ing)
keen on (keen + on = essere appassionato di)
want to (‘want’+ to + verb)
tell me (‘tell’ + person (me/you/him/her etc); nb. ‘say’non è seguito dalla persona)
can be bought (to be + past participle = passive)
who (relative pronoun ‘who’ = people)
always wanted (frequency adverb goes before the main verb)
the informations (information = uncountable noun)
much time (‘much’ with uncountable nouns, ‘many’ with countable nouns)
doing (‘ing’after a preposition)
stole (past tense of steal = steal stole stolen)
get to (preposition necessary; get to /go to /come to the station, BUT. arrive at/ reach the station)
broken watch (adjective before noun)
to tell me (to+base form = per/a scopo di)
unless I will get (1° conditional = if/unless/when + present)
such a (such a + noun; so + adjective)
I haven’t never (double negative)
l don’t like them (‘like’ + direct object)
as (as = siccome; so = quindi)
I’ve been to Madrid (use ‘been’ not ‘gone’ se sei stato e tornato)


" TOEFL Strategies for Listening Section "

TOEFL listening section, tests the ability of a student, especially a non-native English speaker, to understand spoken English (accentuated) in educational setting. Listening is an important skill to understand the concepts and ideas. Only when the concepts are understood completely it becomes a lighter task to score in the listening section of TOEFL test. In order to develop the listening skills for TOEFL, there are certain set of listening strategies or steps. They are explained in detail given below.
Requirements for TOEFL Listening Strategy
Listening strategies for TOEFL aims at providing each and every minute detail that are required to respond to all the questions within the given time in this section. Responding to the questions in time is very important because, it will help TOEFL candidates to save time, which they might spend on, one specific part of the test section.
There are certain steps in strategies that would help in managing time in each part of listening test section (recordings). There are some basic requirements for listening skills which serves the steps in TOEFL listening strategies as detailed below:
  • Basic Comprehension
When students listen to a recorded lecture or a conversation, they should understand the central or main idea in it. Then they should skim the recording for key points, important facts, purpose and the relevant details that connects the key points.
  • Practical Understanding
It may also be called as “pragmatic understanding” where the meaning of a word should be taken, according to the context. Students are needed to find the intended meaning of the speaker i.e. from his point of view. A wide range of vocabulary is necessary for this process because, the recordings in listening test are usually from academic background. Practical understanding also becomes a must to find the purpose of a lecture or a conversation.
  •  Relate Ideas given in multiple information sources
Relating ideas is the final state where the key points and the important facts are compared to find the relationship between them. This method would initially lead to construct an argument. Then a string of supportive and non supportive elements are categorized and as a result the causes for the events are traced. This is where a student would end up identifying the conclusion which is expressed indirectly.
  •  Inference
Inference is to find the implied conclusion in recordings from the author’s point of view. The conclusion might be implied or expressed indirectly anywhere in the passage.
These are the basic requirements necessary, in each part of the strategy of listening section, which consists of two recorded lectures and one long conversation. These fundamentals are to be followed, in the following few preparatory steps.
Strategies in Preparation
  • Spoken English From Various Sources And Accents
There are variations between the accents of English. It is the best to listen to English from various sources like television, music, radio etc. And also it is good to listen to the native speakers of English with different pronunciation and dialect. By doing this students would be able to improve their listening skills and also they will get used to different kinds of accents. It will be helpful very much if they listen to academic passages or conversations.
  • Making Notes
While listening to a recording, notes should be jot down. These notes would help you to remember the important points given by speaker. The reason is also that, during the test you will be given only one chance to listen to a passage. Note making will help you to remember the details and the clues effectively.
  • Main Idea
The main idea of a passage should be identified in a recording, as a first task while taking notes. Main idea of a lecture is usually given in the introductory part. The other details would be given in the rest of a lecture. Once the main idea is found it becomes a lighter task to find the purpose of the speaker.
  • Pointer Words, Important Facts And Relationship Between The Facts
The pointer words may be defined as signal words or clues, given by the speaker. These keywords should be collected along with important facts and events. This should be done in order to compare them and identify the relationship between them. In turn this would give you the cause of the events.
  • Summary of Observation
Give a summary of the recording which was listened, using the notes that are taken down. During this process, only important facts, relevant details, main idea and the key facts are covered. This is a good time saving technique, to prevent going through the notes again and again.
  • Building your Vocabulary
Above all it is also important to build a student’s vocabulary, to find the meaning of a word, according to the context of the speaker. Students should get familiar with the words which they consider as new ones and practice them in their everyday life.
The steps and the requirements in TOEFL strategies for listening section, which are elaborated above should be followed and practiced to manage time while taking up the test. The most important part in listening section is to concentrate on the subject of the speaker, and a student does not have to be distracted by the accent. 

  sumber : http://www.studyabroad18.com/articles/toefl-strategies-for-listening-section.php