Selasa, 25 Juni 2013

comment on the article

Aksi Demo Menolak Kenaikan Harga BBM Di DPR/MPR Berlangsung Ricuh

Demonstrasi menentang kenaikan harga bahan bakar minyak (BBM) di sekitar Gedung DPR/MPR RI berlangsung ricuh. Jumat (30/3/2012)

Ricuh bermula saat demonstran menjebol pagar pembatas tol Dalam Kota yang merupakan pembatas antara jalur arteri dan jalan bebas hambatan.

Kemudian para aksi demonstran lalu menjebol pagar DPR/MPR RI, yang akhirnya para mahasiswa dan buruh memasuki halaman DPR/MPR RI, setelah lepas Maghrib akhirnya aparat keamanan membubarkan sekitar 2.000 lebih demonstran mahasiswa dan buruh yang mengepung Gedung DPR/MPR RI. Massa lari tunggang-langgang karena semprotan air dari mobil water cannon atau meriam air dan gas air mata.

Pihak Kepolisian terus memukul mundur para demonstran dan menjauhkan mereka dari gedung DPR/MPR Senayan, Jakarta. Para demonstran pun terdesak hingga jembatan layang Slipi, Jakarta Barat.

Polisi mengamankan setidaknya tujuh orang demonstran. Dari arah Jakarta Convention Center (JCC), ada empat orang yang ditarik ke arah DPR/MPR RI. Sementara dari arah Semanggi ada tiga orang. Tak jelas apakah mereka dari massa buruh atau mahasiswa.
This is my Opinion about that article

Of the cases discussed in this article that I took, which is about the rejection of the demonstration fuel price increases, I think the demonstrators don’t have to act anarchism, because the act of anarchist not resolve that problem, but may create new problems. The majority of the demonstrators were students. A student should be able to better understand what is the meaning of the demonstration. Demonstration or protest is a protest by a group of people to oppose a policy, by means of expression.

So, I think, should not be carried out protests by force, or damaging public facilities, enough to express an opinion wise. Fuel price increases, sooner or later it will happen. The government has also stopped short of the fuel price increase, maybe it is time for this at the launch. So, I think with the increase in fuel prices, there will always be negative. As the government has announced, rising fuel prices are used for subsidies, might not be noticeable now positive impact, but the long-term period will definitely have a positive impact. I hope it's true.

For the students, be orderly protestors, don’t be the protestors anarchists, because we were never taught to act anarchist.  Think before you act, don’t use emotions.


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